sponge in dishwasher

Can You Put Sponges in the Dishwasher? (Washing & Cleaning)

If you’re like most people, you probably use kitchen sponges to clean your dishes. But did you know that these sponges can be really dirty? Many studies have pointed out that sponges aren’t the cleanest thing in the kitchen. Dishwashing sponges can be a major source of bacteria and germs. In fact, one study found…

sponge in soapy water

Leaving Sponge in Soapy Water: Can Bacteria Grow in Kitchen Sponge?

Most people know that kitchen sponges are not the most sanitary items in their homes. There is no other surface in your home that collects more bacteria than your kitchen sponges. In fact, they can be a breeding ground for bacteria.  Every day, we use sponges to clean our dishes and most surfaces in our…

pan full of boiling water

Does Boiling Something Sterilize It? (Hot Water Disinfection)

Sterilization is the complete destruction of all forms of life, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. There are various methods for sterilization, but one of the most common is using heat.  The use of heat to sterilize objects and surfaces is a practice that has been around for centuries. In fact, the ancient Greeks were known…

cedarwood oil

Does Boiling Cedarwood Oil Remove the Smell and Clean the Air? 

Cedarwood essential oil is a chemical extracted from cedar trees’ needles, leaves, bark, and berries. There are several types of cedar trees around the world. Some trees known as cedars are in fact juniper trees.  There are many ways to extract this essential oil. The popular methods are using steam distillation, carbon dioxide distillation, or…

clove oil remove smell clean air

Does Boiling Clove Oil Remove Smell and Clean the Air? 

Clove oil is derived from the clove plant, Syzygium aromaticum. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flower buds. Clove oil has a spicy, warm, woody fragrance. It is mainly used as a flavoring agent in foods and beverages. Clove oil is also used in aromatherapy. The health benefits of cloves have…

water and vinegar cleaner

Does Boiling Vinegar and Water Remove Smell and Clean the Air? 

Vinegar and water are often used to clean surfaces and remove odors. However, does boiling vinegar and water actually clean the air?  People believe that boiling water and vinegar remove bad smells and clean the air. Nevertheless, this is not always the case.  According to some experts, vinegar and water can help remove pollutants from…

air compressor burning overheating

Why’s Air Compressor Getting Hot & How to Prevent Overheating

An air compressor is a must-have item for every workshop, small fabrication, and even the household. This is true, especially if you enjoy doing DIY projects.  If you’ve just purchased a compressor, you’ve likely got a lot of questions. Is it true, that if your compressor is getting hot, it means something is wrong with…